Prepare for Summer with Spring HVAC Maintenance

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Spring is almost here and when the season hits, it is a great time for a quick inspection of your HVAC system.  It has been several months since you last ran your air conditioner and during that downtime, it is possible issues may have cropped up.

Here are a few things you can check out before you turn on your air conditioner for the first time this year.

Check Your Filter

We recommend checking your HVAC filters once a month and replacing them if they are dirty. Dust and debris that builds up on a dirty filter can cause poor air quality, increased energy bills, and system breakdowns. Not only does a dirty filter clog up your system, but it can also cause respiratory issues for those suffering from asthma or allergies.

Check Your Outside Unit and Drainage Pipe

Clean off all debris surrounding your outside unit and make sure any plants or trees growing near it are cut back.

Also, clear out any debris from your yard that may have blown near the drainage pipe of your system. If this pipe becomes clogged, it can cause your air conditioner to operate less efficiently or breakdown.

Check for Drafts Near Windows and Doors

While it may not seem like an HVAC issue, drafts near windows and doors can impact efficiency and lead to higher energy bills. An easy way to identify drafty areas around windows and doors is to light a stick of incense and hold it near any suspected points of air leakage. If the smoke begins to move back and forth or if it is sucked out of the room, you have an air leak.

When you find a leak, see if weather stripping or caulk could solve the problem.

Replace Your Batteries

Don’t forget to replace the batteries and test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. An easy way to remember to replace the batteries is to do it when the time changes twice a year.

Schedule Spring HVAC Maintenance

Now is the perfect time to schedule maintenance on your air conditioner before the hot weather sets in. By having maintenance performed on your system, a technician will be able to spot any potential problems before they turn into significant issues. The last thing you want to deal with is your system breaking down in the middle of a sweltering summer.

The best way to keep your heating and cooling system running tip-top shape all year long is preventative maintenance. Burkholder’s HVAC offers maintenance agreements on all types of equipment with some great benefits including:

  • 15% off all parts & labor
  • NATE Certified Technicians
  • 24 Hour Emergency Service / NO overtime rates
  • Up to 25% energy savings
  • Increased longevity & performance of your HVAC System
  • Upfront pricing / No hidden charges

If you’d like to schedule your Spring maintenance or learn more about our maintenance agreements, contact us today!