The Flea Wars – How to Prevent and Get Rid of Fleas

Also, the increase in activity of wildlife in the summertime contributes to the flea population your pet is exposed to outside.

It is important that you treat your pets for fleas regularly to prevent any ‘hitch-hiker’ fleas from entering into your home. A ‘hitch-hiker’ flea is an adult flea that jumps onto your pet directly from the environment. If you are not giving your pet regular flea treatments, it’s possible the hitch-hikers will survive on your pet and start laying hundreds of eggs. Flea eggs aren’t sticky, so they will fall out of fur wherever your pet roams.

These little eggs burrow themselves into carpets, between floorboards, and under your furniture. Cocoons form and hatch into adult fleas. Once this happens, you have a home infestation on your hands. Even if you give your home a thorough cleaning on a weekly basis, you are still susceptible to a flea invasion.

Treating a home infestation takes time and patience. Here are a few tips you can use to start get rid of these common pests:

Give your pet a bath. Check with your veterinarian for the best flea shampoo to use. After, run a flea comb through your pet’s fur. It may also be a good idea to take your pet to a groomer and ask them to clip their hair or shave it shorter. This way when you apply a flea treatment, it has an easier time reaching your pet’s skin and makes combing more effective.

Treat your pet with medications. Seek the advice of your vet to find out what is the best option for flea treatment medication. Discuss the possible side effects and dosage information.  Continue to treat your pet with flea prevention methods throughout the year.

Treat yourself. Not only are our pets plagued by these little pests, but we also experience the nuisance are vulnerable to flea bites. Applying a mosquito spray to ankles, socks, and cuffs of pants prevents the fleas from biting ankles where they commonly jump to.

Clean floors. Vacuum all carpets, rugs, curtains, etc. Mop floors and use a cleaning product like Pine-Sol or undiluted apple cider vinegar.

Bomb your home. There are many different flea control sprays or flogger on the market. These products are designed to kill flea eggs, so it is recommended to bomb every room in your home. If you do not feel comfortable doing this on your own, hire an exterminator.

Treat your yard. If your pet spends time outdoors, you should treat your yard with outdoor flea spray. Make sure to clear the yard of any debris such as leaves, grass clippings, etc. Spray shaded areas, under trees, shrubs, bushes, and under your porch.

You may have to repeat the treatments several times depending how serious your infestation is.  The best way to avoid a flea problem is to use a treatment on your pets consistently.  Again, consult your veterinarian to find out the best treatment options for your pet.