Complete Buyers Guide to a New Furnace

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complete buyers guide to purchasing a new furnace

Purchasing a new furnace is a large investment and is not a decision you should make lightly.

To get the best investment, put some time and energy into scheduling a professional evaluation of your home, research financing options, and rebates, compare features, prices, and products.

This guide from Burkholder’s HVAC aims to help you through the process. If done correctly, your new heating system should lower your energy bills, improve indoor comfort, raise the value of your home, and improve indoor air quality!

Step 1: Have your home evaluated by a professional contractor. They can determine what type of furnace is best for your home depending on its size, your energy bills, and existing ductwork. They can also tell you which type of fuel you should use: gas, electric, oil, or dual system.

Many homeowners stick to whatever type of fuel their homes currently use. However, there are several reasons switching fuel system may be beneficial.

Another risk of not having a professional evaluation is installing an oversized furnace. Oversized units are expensive, cycle on and off more frequently (increasing your energy bills), and make it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Therefore, an evaluation performed by a professional contractor is essential towards your decision on furnace type, model, and size.

Step 2: Consider Your Homes Needs. After you have had a professional contractor evaluate your home, there are several factors to consider:

Energy efficiency
Technology (ex. Smart thermostats)

Step 3: Compare Prices & Features. Look at a few different models and compare pricing. The lowest bid that provides all the features you are looking for does not necessarily mean it is the best option for you.

Energy Star is an Environmental Protection Agency that helps businesses and homeowners save money and protect the environment through energy efficiency. An Energy Star endorsement on a piece of equipment can give you peace of mind with your purchase.

Remember, that an energy-efficiency system will cost more up-front, but you will save more in the long term on your energy bills.

Step 4: Investigate Financing & Rebate Options. Research all financing, rebates, tax incentives, and saving opportunities available to you. Burkholder’s HVAC keeps a current list of rebates and incentives on our website here.

Step 5: Furnace Installation.  Hire a professional HVAC contractor to install your new system. You do not want to jeopardize your investment being installed incorrectly leading to expensive repairs and decreased product life.

Our team of experienced Comfort Consultants at Burkholder’s HVAC is here to guide you through the purchase of your new furnace. To schedule a free estimate, contact us today!