Welcome back friends and Happy New Year! With the holidays behind us and the thick of winter setting in, Bob and Don have a busy few months ahead of them. The polar vortex took the northeast by storm last winter, and this year we’re headed for an even more brutal season.
Year-round maintenance goes a long way in reducing the risk of winter-time heating glitches, but it’s an unfortunate reality that for some, disaster will strike. From freezing pipes to failing furnaces, the season’s frigid temperatures and continual demands on heating systems are a recipe for disaster. Bob’s service and maintenance agreements pay for themselves in value throughout the year and effectively prepare homes to brace for the arctic blast, but perhaps most importantly these contracts ensure priority emergency service. Bob reminds customers that those without contracts will be forced to cope with their HVAC calamities until the needs of priority customers are met. With discounts on parts and labor and peace of mind that you won’t be left out in the cold, Burkholders agreements are a winter must-have.