Lake Naomi Community Center

PROJECT TYPE: Design Build
INDUSTRY TYPE: Hotel and Recreational
The goal of this project was to design and install the HVAC equipment for this 40,000 SF community center. The majority of the building is conditioned by a 75-Ton VAV system consisting of a Trane air handling unit and remote condensing unit. There are twenty-four zones of temperature control from VAV boxes with hot water coils. The facility is heated by propane gas boilers and cooled by DX condensing units. There is a second-floor mechanical room that houses the boilers, pumps, heat exchangers and air handling units. The gymnasium is handled by a separate Trane 50-Ton air handling unit with a remote condensing unit. Exposed spiral ducts distribute the air through the gym. The pool system required the use of a dehumidification unit manufactured by Dectron, to reduce pool space humidity thus eliminating condensation on windows and structure and to reduce possible deterioration of building components. The spiral duct distribution required critical placement of supply air registers to wash windows and underside of roof to avoid condensation forming on the colder surfaces. The aquatics/spa also has a smaller version of the Dectron dehumidification unit.